Sunday, September 23, 2007

Lawyer Jokes

Consider the following:

Q. Why don't snakes bite lawyers?
A. As a matter of professional courtesy.

To the extent that that joke is funny, or even makes sense, it is because a prejudice exists regarding the kind of people who become lawyers, and the manner in which they practice law.

The prejudice does an obvious disservice to lawyers who are men and women of character, honor, and manifest courage. Lawyers like Marty Esquivel.

My experience with Modrall lawyers; Jennifer Noya, Alex Walker, George McFall and Maxmilliano Madrid, lead me to believe that they are exactly the kind of lawyers who give lawyers a bad name.

Madrid, in particular, is the most contemptible person and lawyer that I have ever had the misfortune to encounter.

That the APS is represented by lawyers of this ilk,
says something about the leadership of the APS.

A woman visiting her doctor, asks;
Doctor can I get pregnant from anal sex?
The doctor replies; Why of course you can dear,
where do you think lawyers come from?

...lawyers, at least in my opinion, like Max Madrid.

Update 3/12/10; my opinion of Marty Esquivel has diminished
considerably since I wrote this post; he now joins those lawyers
who give lawyers a bad name.

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