Thursday, April 30, 2009

Winston Brooks/Celebrating the 8!

Winston Brooks will be addressing stakeholders this evening.

The agenda promises that stakeholders will be allowed to ask
questions by means of an "Open mic" format.

By reasonable extension; I am allowed to ask a question
by means of my blog, and a cc.

My question;

Will you tell the truth about administrative and executive
role modeling of the Student Standards of Conduct?

Will Winston Brooks look in the eyes
of stakeholders and use the phrases;

  • role modeling
  • Character Counts! and
  • Student Standards of Conduct.

Winston Brooks will either tell the truth
to stakeholders tonight, or he will not.

end note; I tried to find "the 8" goals in order to link to them.
I could not find them anywhere. Not even on APS' website.
They may be on the APS website, but I couldn't find them, and
the site cannot be searched.

I am fairly certain that one of them read;
... regain the trust of the community.

cc Winston Brooks
The following email was sent at 8:5 am

Superintendent Brooks,
I would like to ask a question at the forum this evening, and
I would rather not have to ask it by means of the "open mic".

I am grateful for your time and attention,

ched macquigg

UPDATE; Winston Brooks
chose not to tell the truth about
administrative and executive role modeling of the student
standards of conduct.

Mark Bralley

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