On the table; a motion to restore the role modeling clause
to the APS Employee Standards of Conduct.
It would read as it used to;
In no case shall the standards of conduct for an adult,APS Policy Committee Chair David Peercy is opposed.
be lower than the standards of conduct for students.
He says the policy is fine the way it is. He says restoring the
role modeling clause would add nothing to employee standards
of conduct, that isn't already there.
Read the APS Student Standards of Conduct. link
Read and reread the Pillar of Trustworthiness.
Note that, according to that standard of conduct;
"not lying" is not enough.
"Simply refraining from deception is not enough."The words used to describe "telling the truth" include;
- integrity
- reliability
- loyalty
- sincerity
- genuine
- candid
- forthright
- frank
- honest
The words are used to describe concepts the likes of;
- ethically justifiable
- legitimate expectation of trust
- the obligation to volunteer information that others need to know
- expressing the truth as best we know it
- presenting facts to the best of our knowledge;
without trickery or duplicity, precluding all acts that are
intended to deliberately mislead; such as half truths, or
specifically and expressly prohibited.
Students are told; they choose not to tell the truth
at the forfeit of their good character.
David Peercy says;
Employees of the Albuquerque Public Schools shall serve as
positive role models for students and set good examples in
conduct, manners, dress and grooming.
APS expects each employee to maintain the highest
standards of conduct and act in a mature and
responsible manner at all times. (emphasis added)
Employees must not engage in activities which violate federal,
state or local laws or which, in any way, diminish the integrity,
efficiency or discipline of the District.
David Peercy says adding;
In no case shall the standard of conduct for adults,... adds nothing to the Employee Standards of Conduct.
be lower than the standard of conducts for students.
David Peercy says that the powerful and absolutely unequivocal language in the Student Standards of Conduct, about telling the truth, falls far short of;
APS expects each employee to maintain the highest standardsWhat in the hell does "maintain" high standards mean anyway?
of conduct and act in a mature and responsible manner
at all times.
Does it mean anything even remotely like;
honest accountability?Does it mean anything even remotely like;
Accountable to meaningful standards of conduct and
competence by means of an impartial system
powerful enough to hold them accountable
even against their will?

David Peercy says the standards
of conduct that apply to administrators
and board members, that at best
require only "not lying",
are just fine the way they are.

Without a doubt,
Paula Maes will agree.

And so will Robert Lucero.
He has already killed one
truth telling motion before
the board.
Standing against them;

David Robbins will
continue to stand up
for the restoration of the
role modeling clause.

With the support of Lorenzo Garcia.

And Delores Griego.

Marty Esquivel apparently,
will cast the deciding vote.
One would hope that he can find
the character and the courage to
cast his vote in the interests of
87,000 of our sons and daughters
who are students in the APS.

Winston Brooks, if he had a
vote, would vote against honest
accountability to a nationally
recognized, accepted, and
respected code of ethical conduct.
He is hoping like hell that he isn't the first superintendent
in the entire history of the APS, to find himself honestly
accountable as a role model
of the Student Standards of Conduct.
If we really want students to grow to embrace character
and courage and honor,
someone has to show them what character and courage and
honor look like.
All that is necessary for evil to prevail in the world
is for good men to do nothing. burke
If ever there was a moment of truth, surely this is it.
It would be a shame if you missed it.
7:30 am, April 17, 2009.
Copy this post, post it somewhere.
Help spread the word; the Journal won't.
Update; since this was posted, David Robbins has backed off the issue of restoring the role modeling clauses, Lorenzo Garcia has not pushed the point and, neither has Delores Griego. As of this writing, October 8, 2009, not a single member of the leadership of the APS will stand up and demand an open and honest discussion of role modeling and the student standards of conduct.
photos Mark Bralley
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