Friday, April 10, 2009

New Mexico Secretary of Education, Veronica Garcia weighs in on role modeling.

Radio Journalist and Blogger, Peter St. Cyr, link,
recently attended a bill signing with the Governor.

PED Secretary Veronica Garcia was there, and St. Cyr
took the opportunity to ask for her opinion on the subject of
APS' School Board's upcoming decision about whether to
step up as role models of the APS Student Standards of Conduct.

Garcia was quick to point out that the decision was entirely
up to the local board. However she was quoted as saying;

"There are many districts that Character Counts!
applies to both the adults and the kids.

And, it seems that if we want to be good role models for
children, that we would have similar values that
we all adhere to ..."
I can't help but to agree.

I have contacted her office in an effort to find out which
districts apply Character Counts! standards to both adults
and students.

Perhaps if we can figure out how they compelled their leadership
to step up to the challenge, we can make our leadership step up
as well.

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