Thursday, January 08, 2009

Diogenes costume

On two occasions I went to board meetings masked
as "the elephant in the room".
I was illegally arrested on the second occasion,
and I would not suffer another; so there you are,
no more elephant mask.

It just occurred to me that at some meeting
I could come dressed as Diogenes with a lamp and staff.

And then it occurred to me that, except for the lamp and staff,
Diogenes walked around naked.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now, that, sir, I KNOW is illegal! Please, at least wear a flesh colored leotard, maybe a grecian diaphinous robe?

And the lamp, you better bring a plastic, not heavy or usable as a bludgeon, flashlight. The staff will have to be a roll of paper, or they will say "bludgeon". And kick you out. Easily bent and will hurt no one paper.

I know, we are stepping on egg shells for the elected officials and the School Guards, rather than the other way around. Which Constitution did those guys swear to uphold again?