Monday, January 26, 2009

How can they get away with this in plain site?

The leadership of the APS used the phrase "for a few years"
when they were supposedly telling stakeholders the truth
about the lack of standards and accountability
in the APS Finance Division, and of course,
in the entire leadership of the APS.

Technically, in a loop holey, legal weaselry kind of a way,
they have not "told a lie."

In a role model of the student standard of conduct kind of a way;

they did not tell the truth.

They did not role model for students and staff,
what it looks like to tell the truth, the whole truth,
and nothing but the truth, even against personal interests.

They did not walk the talk.

They did not show students what character and courage and
honor look like.

They did not prove to students that, character counts!

Why am I the only one who finds this outrageous?

Why am I the only one who wants to stand up and
scream wtf? ??

The hardest part of standing up alone has got to be
the wondering why.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Trust me you're not the only one who wants to hollar 'WTF!" I stood along last year at my school against a corrupt probabtionary principal, corrupt teachers who protected him and a corrupt director of APS Office Of Equal Opportunity Charles Becknell and his assistant who assured me that if I signed a complaint against this principal it would be kept confidential until this wrong was right. They lied. Charles Becknell directed his assistant to breech the promise of confidentiality by giving all those (including the principal) my name and complaint. I was black balled at my school and this principal quickly removed me from my position. This all because I contacted CYFD after witnessing this principal assault a young boy. I'd seen it before and I shared this with our school counselor, Andrea Trybus student affairs, Susan Stoddard HR, Bob Woody HR and APS Police Dept who later denied I even filed a complaint with CYFD. The case was closed and no record of my complaint exists. APS Police and Charles Becknell protected this principal instead of the child. I'm still employed with APS, but the child still attends this school and his mother tells me the abuse continues. Nothing has been done.