Friday, January 16, 2009

Should APS be giving kids condoms?

That was the sit up, pay attention question that was put to the school board candidates last night.

The answer of course is,

Allow me to involve the people that I represent,
by means of meaningful, honest and open discussion
of the issues,

and I'll get back to you.
Instead, a number of candidates defended their intention to
express their personal beliefs, by writing them into district policy.

School board members are there to represent their constituents,
not to think for them.

Stakeholders are entitled to meaningful participation
in decision making that affects their interests.

If a candidate's answer to any question, does not rest on that
foundation, they have disqualified themselves as representatives of their constituents.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said, very well said!
That is a core pillar of American Freedom and the representatives we elect to uphold those philosophies!