Thursday, January 15, 2009

Paula Maes has a blog.

School board member and candidate for re-election, Paula " it's OK to get in teacher's faces once in awhile" Maes
has a blog, link.

She promises;

Jan 07, 2009
I've decided to start a blog this year to encourage the families of district 5 to get to know me and the work I've been doing for our children in Albuquerque Public Schools. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me and I will get right back to you. And chances are your concerns are the same as many others and I'll post my responses here, too. (emphasis added)
I would post a question, just for drill, but her format requires
posting an actual email address on the internet, which leads to
to death by spam. (There are robots who search the internet for
valid email addresses to sell to spammers.)

The truth is that when asked if she would point to a time, a day, and a place where she would sit and answer legitimate questions about the public interest, and about her public service; her response (stonewalling) meant;

So who are you going to believe, Paula Maes blog,
or your lyin' eyes?


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I feel like, that at least she responded to me. She knows she is way richer and more powerful than me, could just tell me nothing. And get away with it. But she responded to me, and that was actually the best thing she could have done to restore my faith in the system.

We will not be buddies, she and I, nor will I be invited to the Modrall Christmas Party. But she is not my enemy. Her husband is not my enemy. My enemy is wanting things to be my way, my enemy is not letting the system work its way through things, and wanting somehow to help the most people I can before I die.

I think that is us, both. We want to help the kids not get stolen from, but can't help directly anymore. It drives us crazy with the want to be of use to the kids or to teachers or guards or police or whoever, but that is past us now. They don't want our help.

I am trying not to be a brain injured dumbass, but that is my lot in life now, I am sorry if I posted anything untoward on your site while PTSDed off.