Friday, January 16, 2009

Winston Brooks evaluation, the board meeting.

The board meeting began at 7:30.

It began with a motion and a second to add a year to
Winston Brooks, already extraordinarily long, contract.

The motion was passed without discussion or debate;

After which,
each board member spoke in support of their decision.

I think that it is fair to say that all of the good things they said
about Winston Brooks, are true;

  • He is a hell of a nice guy, affable, likable, a handsome face for the APS.
  • He has formed a precedent setting bond with the community.
  • He has established goals, to which he can be held accountable.
  • He is a good leader.
  • He is a man of action.
  • He is a good communicator.
I would take issue with the compliment that he had assembled a great leadership team. I would take issue because his leadership team is made up of exactly the same people who led us to where we are now; there is not one new face.

My biggest complaint though, my only complaint really,
it that Winston Brooks' evaluation did not touch on his
obligations as the senior most administrative role model
of the Student Standard of Conduct.

There is no overt proof that he is accountable to the same
standards of conduct and competence that he enforces
upon students.

Inconspicuous role modeling is an oxymoron.

A role model has to actually do something to call attention
to themselves and the behavior that they are modeling.

There is only one way to role model accountability to the
Student Standard of Conduct, and that is to actually hold
yourself honestly accountable to the Student Standard of Conduct.

There is no equivalent gesture.

He has fallen short as a role model.

It's a deal breaker.

cc Winston Brooks upon posting

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