Winston Brooks is denying stakeholders their right
to participate meaningfully in decision making that
affects their interests.
To wit;
Winston Brooks has a plan for Rio Grande High School.
Or, he might argue that he really doesn't have a plan.
In any case, stakeholders think he has a plan, and
they are demonstrably upset, according the Journal's
Andrea Schoellkopf. link
"APS officials met with staff from both schools Monday afternoon to quell rumors that had been rampant in the last few weeks.Have teachers, students, and other stakeholders been allowed to participate meaningfully in the decision making process?
"Teachers are worried," said Doug Carter, who's been teaching at Rio Grande for 10 years. "They're scared. We've been hearing about it for weeks."
Students at Highland High School just delivered a petition with 500 signatures on it, protesting the change to the block schedule at HHS.
It would appear that students don't feel that they have participated meaningfully in a decision that affects their interests, either.
The student standard of conduct would not allow students
to treat adults in this matter.
Winston Brooks did not release this story to the Journal.
It didn't come out of a million dollar a year investment in
I sat in a policy committee meeting listening to the leadership of the APS, complaining about how the "lid blew off", and "it leaked out", and how "it got out".
They didn't include stakeholders;
they should have, and they didn't.
And they will neither explain, defend, or even acknowledge
that, that is what they have done.
This is the part where we should be talking about administrative role modeling of the student standard of conduct.
Some APS insider BS in regards to this situation.
In a meeting of principles and superintendents, under Sink's direction last year, NCLB reps from the Feds informed HHS that their block schedule must be changed because "it didn't work for student achievement". So many principles grumbled because they wanted to switch to the block schedule HHS had. They were told they could do that since the Feds had told only HHS that it's block schedule didn't work, and didn't put a moritorium on the block schedule itself for other schools in APS.
So here we have HHS being prohibited, but MHS can, etc...
Here comes the "salvation" Winston Brooks with a set block schedule for all High Schools. Sounds good when you say it fast... but I cahallenge that DUMBASS this:
1) What good is changing the schedule to anything with such high absence rates in all high schools?
2) what good is changing anything when you have drug dealers and students that have assaulted cops in with "regular" kids?
3) What good is changing anything when you have pedifilic, abusive, ignorant and/or low-life principals and vice-principals in your schools?
CHANGE ALL YOU WANT DUMBASS, but if you don't change these things, "a duck is still a duck, no matter how it walks!"
Anonymous, you go!
I am hearing what you say, buying what you sell, acolyte to that religion you are preaching, brother. Nicely said.
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