Monday, November 01, 2010

More than 300 Whistleblower complaints against APS administrators

Whistle blower complaints filed against (primarily) APS Administrators now number more than 327.

Someone in the leadership of the APS has led investigators from the State Auditors Office to believe that 317 of those complaints have been "... brought before the Audit Committee and resolved." Further that, "The complaints are discussed in closed session in compliance with the Open Meetings Act ..."

In order for these complaints to have been discussed in a closed session, an agenda would have to have been posted announcing the intention to adjourn into executive session for that specific purpose. No such agenda has been posted. If the complaints were actually discussed in closed session, it would have had to have been in blatant violation of the OMA. In which case, all of the discussion will have to be had again, in order to comply with the law.

I remain convinced that there has not been the review and approval of whistle blower complaints that is required by School Board Policy. And that now, well over 300 whistle blower complaints are being denied the due process to which they are entitled.

Further, it would appear that someone in the leadership of the APS is deliberately misleading, read; lying to the State Auditors Office.

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