Monday, November 29, 2010

The Governmental Restructuring Task Force; feckless?

The Governmental Restructuring Task Force, link, is
finishing up. What impact their work will have, both in the
short and long term, is debatable and not a done deal by any stretch, link.

They were charged with creating a plan to make government more efficient.

Their plan does not include, nor did they ever discuss;
making government more efficient by making it more
transparently accountable to the people.

They once promised they would have an open and honest discussion about transparency, then reneged.

There is a fundamental reform; transparent accountability.
It has its limits. We need to define them clearly, unequivocally
and rather immediately. And then start enforcing them by
means of due process.

First, we must expose the ethically redacted truth.
Only then we will decide what to do about it.

No reform measure can be trusted if it cannot be seen;
transparency precedes reform. Transparency is the
foundation upon which all reforms rest.

The fundamental governmental efficiency is transparency.
The Governmental Restructuring Task Force would
not even talk about it.

The Task Force tried once to survey state employees, and
then did nothing when Gov Bill Richardson blocked the survey.

Yeah, I think "feckless" is fair.

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