Thursday, January 12, 2012

Controversial policy changes tabled

In response to a query of the School Board office, I am informed that the Policy Committee tabled three controversial items;

  1. an effort to deny whistle blowers due process by abandoning Audit Committee review of whistleblower complaints,
  2. an effort to allow the Supt in investigate complaints against himself, and
  3. an effort to allow complaints against the Supt to be investigated by School Board cronies.
I received the following reply;
The following agenda items from the January 10, Policy and Instruction Committee meeting were tabled:

II. Consideration of approval of Board of Education policy D.05 Internal Audit to be renamed D.05 Audit Committee and Reports (Discussion/Action)
III. Consideration of approval of revisions to Board of Education policy GB7 Whistleblower Complaints (Discussion/Action)
IV. Board of Education review of new Internal Audit Procedural Directive (Discussion)

Suggestions were made for changes to the language, which the board members requested to be brought to another Policy and Instruction Committee meeting for review.
I am still illegally banned by Marty Esquivel's unlawful restraining order, so I have no idea which board member deserves credit for moving to table the issues.

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