Vision. We need a mayor with a vision. Why, because no one
else has any good ideas? Someone else first wrote;
"no one of us, is as smart as all of us".
Along the same line, no political candidate has more or better
visions than all of us. Whoever is in office, there will be more
than enough ideas about what can be done with hundreds of
millions of tax dollars. We don't need a mayor who claims
exclusivity on good ideas.
Another name for vision is "agenda". And while candidates
have an agenda, maybe even a great agenda, it is still the
people's will which should be done, it is the people's agenda
which should be respected.
Rather than a candidate with vision, how about a candidate
that guarantees that all "visions" receive appropriate consideration?
Results. Our current mayor claims credit for;
dog parks,Tingley Beach,Verizon Wireless, Albuquerque Studios, Shamrock Foods, Prime Therapeutics, Fidelity, Schott Solar, Sony Imageworks and the Reelz Channel. He claims credit for Rapid Ride, city landscaping, bike lanes and trails,the Botanical Gardens, Aquarium, Explora and International Balloon Fiesta Park and Museum and Isotopes Stadium, 8 skateboard parks, a world class BMX facility, progressive spay and neuter laws,the Elementary School Initiative, and reinstating Middle School Athletics at APS.But can he really claim personal credit for any of these accomplishments? If anyone else had been mayor, wouldn't most of these accomplishments been realized anyway? And the ones that weren't, wouldn't something just as worthy have been realized instead? Is the City Council completely worthless when it comes to new and good ideas?
We don't need a mayor with vision, we need a mayor who listens to the visions of the people, and then enables their success.
What we need more than anything else, is a mayor who will make city government responsive to the people. We need a mayor who will clean up the corruption and incompetence in government. We need a mayor who can restore our faith in our government.
Marty Chavez has not cleaned up city government.

There are the videotapes of the Mayor(s flunkies) shaking down
a local businessman for free air travel, link.
There is the audit revealing that the Contract Management Department of City Government is completely incompetent, if not outright corrupt, link.
Marty Chavez has had the opportunity to clean up city
government and has not. It was on his watch that the
Ethics in Public Service Act died without a whimper, link.
Chavez says we should elect him because he intends to put 20% more cops on the street.

Whatever else he claims to have done,
it is what he hasn't done,
that really matters.
photos Mark Bralley
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