Sunday, September 20, 2009

Editors' pens make dots and lines, but no point.

Clearly, Journal editors get it, link.

They see the lack of transparency in government.
They see the resistance of politicians and public servants
in providing that transparency.

"But it should go without saying that an administration
that promises accountability ... but refuse(s) to release
any information ..." is completely unacceptable.
They would agree, I think, we have lost control over power
and resources that are fundamentally our own.
The truth about the spending of our power and our resources
is being kept from us, deliberately.

It is completely unacceptable.
  • End the culture of corruption, immediately.

  • Make government completely transparent, immediately.

  • Provide honest accountability to meaningful standard of conduct and competence for politicians and public servants, immediately.
None of these is impossible.

None of these will be provided for us by those whose interests
are more served by their existence than their demise.

None of these will be provided for us except upon our insistence.

Whenever the editors get going on our loss of control over
our government, I am always looking for the money line,
the call to action. Else, what is the point of a printing press?

The editors know, we all need to show up somewhere,
in the same place, at the same time, demanding the same thing.
But they won't write it.

Where is the line that reads,
It is time for the politicians and public servants to feel
the heat of our torches and the points of our pitch forks.
They always wimp out. They always end with some cute little
line like,
"It could be said that when it comes to transparency and
accountability, this isn't change at all."
Gee, ya think?

They never fail to disappoint.

Benjamin Franklin and his fellows must be spinning in their graves.

1 comment:

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