Sunday, September 27, 2009

The media influence on polling.

The Journal recently commissioned a poll of voters, on the
importance of certain issues to them.

I have neither the energy nor the interest to do the research,
but I would wager that there is a correlation between the polling results and the previous two weeks of media emphasis.

It stands to reason then, if the media spent two weeks emphasizing the costs of public corruption and incompetence, a subsequent poll would reveal a shift in voter priorities.

Not only is the Journal not emphasizing public corruption and incompetence, they are refusing to even investigate and report upon credible allegations of an ethics and accountability scandal in the leadership of the APS.

Apparently, s/he who controls the media, controls the election.

Do we even know who that is?

Whose fist pounds the table at Journal Center last? when
the decision is made to ignore the ethics and accountability
scandal in the APS, even just weeks before a $650M
bond issue election.

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