I am absolutely certain, when David Robbins was campaigning for his seat on the Albuquerque Public Schools Board of Education, he made a commitment to demand an impartial standards and accountability audit of the entire leadership of the APS.
He also made a commitment to restore the role modeling clause to school board policy; the one which used to read;
"In no case shall the standards of conduct for an adult,I cannot prove that the actual words "standards and accountability audit" ever passed David Robbins lips. I cannot. It did not occur to me that I needed to record his promise to step up as a role model of the Pillars of Character Counts!.
be lower than the standards of conduct for students."
Any argument about the precise wording of the name of the audit, is a red herring.
The issue is, whether some independent auditor will come into the leadership of the APS to examine the standards of conduct and competence for administrators and board members.
They will determine if the standards are high enough to protect the public interests.
Then they will look at accountability to those standards. Do legitimate complaints see due process?
And then the auditors will report to stakeholders, and not just to those with such an oblivious conflict of interest in demanding sole access to the audit findings.
I heard David Robbins promise to pursue that end.
And this is what he is saying now, link You will be viewing
the archived recording of the August 2nd school board meeting.
If the link doesn't work, cut and paste;
At 37:22, David Robbins' begins his current position on a honest and independent audit. By 37:58 you will have seen his real character and his real courage, manifest.
At 20:21, Michael Myers, a local business man, begins his two minute petition during the public forum. He pointed to the need for an independent audit of APS' policies and procedures. He asked if even one single board would support commissioning an audit.

school board heavy hitter,

Begin listening at 33:30, and you can hear his absolutely lame ass excuse for his failure to provide open and honest discussions of standards and accountability in the leadership of the APS.
I will give him consistency, however. He has steadfastly refused to hold himself honestly accountable as a role model for students, of the Student Standards of Conduct, link.
Ask them why every single one of more than 150 whistle blower complaints that are in hands of APS administrators, have yet to see the due process of their complaint, as specifically and explicitly required by school board policy.
Ask them to show you the report they are suppressing, of the independent investigation of felony criminal misconduct by APS senior administrators, link.

Lorenzo Garcia
Delores Griego.

If you ask him to point to a time, a day, and a place where he, or anyone acting in his stead, will stand still and answer legitimate questions about the public interests, he will not answer.
Stonewalling is specifically and expressly prohibited by the standards of conduct that he enforces upon the 89,000 students in the APS.

None of this would be possible without the aide and abet of the good ol' boys who run the Albuquerque Journal, in their manifest refusal to investigate and report upon the ethics and accountability scandal in the leadership of the APS; even in light of an upcoming election.
photos Mark Bralley
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