I stood face to face with Rigo Chavez in a hallway outside the DeLayo-Martin room. I told him that I wanted him to gather together, the truth about the administrative commitment to Character Counts!. I would like to know if they are doing anything at all about implementing their commitment to Character Counts! except telling students that their character depends on their "modeling and promoting the Pillars of Character Counts!".
He told me to get him something in writing.
That's always a bad sign, because face to face looking in each others' eyes, I know that he knew what I wanted.
But since I had to write to him, I was forced to provide the words that APS/Modrall can twist into meaninglessness through their legal weaselry, in order to hide the truth; if only for thirty more days.
By good ol' boy logic, any day that you don't lose, you win.
Never the less, I did email him and guess what? nothing in my mailbox.
Most times when I email him, he claims that the email must have been misdirected and somehow did not get to him.
When I email him, I request a return receipt (Chavez would have to click on a box to indicate that he had opened the email). He steadfastly refuses to honor even that request. I suppose he is under orders to not create any paper trail;
- "because they can cause problems later", link.
- because you just don't know "how someone might want
to use the truth". APS Superintendent, Peter Horoscak. link
I asked him a number of times why he would not honor that simple request and finally, he indicated that that's just not the way he rolls.
Chavez is APS' Director of Communications. He probably pulls down 70 or 80K to communicate. He also claims to be APS' Custodian of Public Records. I say "claims" because according to school board policy, the Custodian of Public Records is in the Student Service Center. I have asked Chavez two times, in writing, to clear up the confusion. He is yet to answer that question either.
There are two possibilities, I think. One is that board policy is wrong. In which case, all he has to do is to say so. The other possibility is that, he is pretending to be the Custodian of Public Records. If so, he would be breaking the law.

APS Custodian of Public Records(?) Rigo Chavez is hiding the truth about the fact that the leadership of the APS has no intention of ever being held honestly accountable to any standard of conduct which requires them to actually tell the truth.
And when I write that there is corruption in the leadership of the APS, this is exactly what I am talking about.
An honest standards and accountability would reveal the truth about standards and accountability in the leadership of the APS. They won't tell the truth about the audit either.
Most responsible?

Marty Esquivel;
the senior most rolemodel
of all, of the APS
Student Standards of
Conduct, the Pillars of
Character Counts!.
photos Mark Bralley
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