It was bad enough when the Journal reported that APS was not telling the truth about crime statistics in APS schools, "APS Ditches Crime Reports", link.
This morning the Journal reports, link, that an autistic child was assaulted by an adult in a classroom at Eldorado High School. The adult (allegedly) physically assaulted, as in; criminal battery, a special needs student in a classroom.
The incident was then kept secret from the Albuquerque Police Department, and from the two APD officers who are stationed at Eldorado. The APS Police Department even chose not to tell the victim's parents that, their child (a 20 yr old with a 6 yr old cognitive ability) had been the victim of an assault at school.
According to TJ Willham's report;
"School police did not fill out a police report, and the twoThe APS Police Department is unaccredited, un-certificated, and un-certified by anyone except the leadership of the APS.
APD officers assigned to the school were not notified."
If anyone wanted to file a complaint against them, for hiding the truth, the only place they could file a complaint is with the leadership of the APS, who maintain a publicly funded, private police force; a Praetorian Guard, for what other reason than,
to be able hide the truth about criminal activity in APS?
Side bar;
Evidence of felony criminal misconduct involving APS administrators, link, two and a half years later, after statutes of limitation have expired, is still being held by the APS Police Department and the leadership of the APS and, has still not been turned over to the Office of the District Attorney for prosecution.On the issue of hiding this assault; there appears to be
applicable law; SS32-4-3 which reads (in significant part);
Every person, including ...; a law enforcement officer; ...; a schoolteacher; a school official; ... who has information that is not privileged as a matter of law, who knows or has a reasonable suspicion that a child is an abused or a neglected child shall report the matter immediately to a local law enforcement agency.According to state law, failing to report child abuse is criminal misconduct.
According to the legal weaselry which is about to take place,
ridiculously expensive and underwritten by taxpayer support
for "education", no wrong doing will be found.

The APS PD does not exist to "protect our future", it exists to
hide the truth about criminal activity in the APS and to
cover the asses of administrators and board members who
have broken the law.
And what ever they can't hide, will be litigated away by
APS/Modrall, no matter the cost to taxpayers;
a number that the leadership of the APS refuses to make
public. A number so large, APS' insurer raised insurance
premiums in order to cover inordinately high litigation
expenses accumulated by the leadership of the APS.
When is enough finally going to be enough?
photo Mark Bralley
Would this family be willing to make a bank account for donations to get a lawyer?
If every D6 reader would anonymously contribute like $10 to the acount, then maybe APS will finally get the message that the ABQ community is outraged, and united, against the horrible decisions they make.
I hope this family will not just "suck it up" and let their child be traumatized.
Maybe then Mr. Marty will get his ass off of "improving good sportsmanship at Soccer games" and actually do something of substance!
I doubt that there isn't a lawyer in the state that didn't hear the KaaChing on this one.
I expect they will have more lawyers than they need.
I dug a little furthur into this story.
It happened back in February. The assaulting adult was the parent of another Special Ed child. It is unclear why the pissed-off parent was there, at the classroom, and why he argued with the other student, and then assaulted the kid. The argument seems to revolve around that the assaulted student blurted out something the visiting dad didn't like, and the idiot dad began the assault.
The plot thickens....
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