From the Trib tonight. (link)
"APS Police Lt. Dave Guzman said this was the fourth weapon confiscated on school property since classes began in August."
How many guns are left?
With the arrest of the fourth student at school with a loaded gun, have we got them all? Have we got half?
If we have even a tenth, there are 36 loaded guns left. They are distributed more or less evenly through out schools in the APS. There is no high school that does not have one.
And that is unacceptable.
The leadership of the APS has offered no leadership in the battle to regain and retain control over high school campuses.
The have do not even have a plan. The leadership of the APS can provide no written Discipline Philosophy Statement. They have simply surrendered the authority of adults over children at school. And then abdicated their responsibility to enforce the district's discipline policies, to teachers and site staff who have neither the power nor resources to make even a dent in the problem.
The problems with test scores and drop out rates will not be solved except by first restoring order to the teaching and learning environment.
The problem cannot be solved without admitting to the problem. It cannot hidden, and solved.
They have no plan,
because they have no intention,
because they haven't the will,
to restore the authority of adults over children.
The haven't a plan, and they haven't a clue.
They cannot be required to explain, defend,
or even acknowledge they have no district wide plan
to deal with chronically disruptive students
on regular school campuses.
Certainly not by me.
And just as certainly; apparently
not by our friends in the media.