According to Susie Gran and the Trib; "... Albuquerque Board of Education members Robert Lucero and Dolores Griego said Wednesday they want a closer look at the investigation.
"These people need to set an example for our kids," Lucero said of the teachers. "Our teachers and our principals have to have higher standards."Robert Lucero himself does not have to have higher standards. He voted to except himself from accountability to the higher student standards of conduct, when he voted to remove the following statement from the employee code of conduct.
In no case shall the standard of conduct for adults be lower than the standard of conduct for students.After excepting themselves from accountability to the student standard of conduct, he and the rest of the board just voted to hold themselves "accountable" to a comparatively meaningless and completely unenforceable "code of ethics".
Robert Lucero, by his own deliberate choice,
is unaccountable to any meaningful standard of conduct at all; much less any "higher standard" of conduct.
The Trib knows about the whole truth.
They will not give a column inch to an investigation and report upon the ethics and accountability scandal in the leadership of the APS. Yet they will give Robert Lucero all the ink he wants to bray about higher standards of conduct (for his subordinates, but not for himself) .
Robert Lucero is a hypocrite.
And the Trib should be telling its reader stakeholders
the truth.
Just remember, Lucero and Griego, teachers still have the vote, and likely are the only ones still exercising their civic DUTY by going to the polls to vote your butts out.
I'll tell you something Lucero and Griego, you keep appreciating teachers like this and I for one will never, never give APS one minute of my free time ever again. I don't even agree with what the teacher drinking that beer did, but your total lack of respect and pursuit of your pound of flesh has made me add your names to the Board's hall of Shame, right behind Maes's "Get in teachers faces" #1 spot. Fortunatly, I live in one of your districts and I would rather vote for Micky Mouse than you!
Amen btother (or sister). We should NEVER forget the "Get in teacher's faces" sentiment...NEVER!
You are so right about how much we are disrespected every day. It gets worse each year. It used to be from the kids and their handlers, now from our administrations and board members.Back in the day, we used to have a union that would ask us all to work to the contract. We don't have that anymore. We have a union that is in cahoots with the powers that be.
It is up to each of us to go down to the board meetings and let them know that they can hire spin doctors, refuse to communicate, hide behind closed door email meetings, stonewall all they want, but untill we are respected on ALL levels, we will be working to the contract. Then they will be reminded of how much we do for free!
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