Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Inconvenient Truth Can Be Avoided

by ignoring the inconvenient question.

The inconvenient question for the candidates for superintendent is;

As the senior administrative role model for students;
are you willing to hold yourself honestly accountable
as a role model of the student standard of conduct;
the Pillars of Character Counts?

We know that the question will not be allowed because
the current leadership will not allow it to be asked either.

I'll prove it.

Ms. Armenta,

At your earliest convenience;

please communicate to stakeholders; the truth
about APS leaders, and their actual accountability
as role models of the student standard of conduct.

A link to this post will be provided to Armenta who will either respond or not. If she does not; it means that there is something to hide.

And it means that no venue will be provided where the question can be asked of a prospective superintendent either.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Monica,We can't hear you!