Saturday, July 17, 2010

Denish silent on State Fair Contract

It has been a week now since Journal reporter Thomas Cole wrote about the latest "appearance of" pay to play in New Mexico state government, link.

This morning, the Journal editors join their reporter, link, and this blogger, link, in wondering why she is apparently ignoring the controversy.

You could give Lt Gov, and Gubernatorial Candidate Diane Denish the benefit of the doubt, and

  • assume that she is unaware of the history of contributions to Democrats in general, and to her and Bill Richardson in particular, from a guy/company who is in line for a lucrative series of contracts to run the midway concessions at the state fair. And you could
  • assume that she is unaware of the $5,500 campaign contribution she received for her current campaign. And you could
  • assume she in unaware that the contract arrangement can be canceled and bidding reopened to encourage more than one bid, from a man/company with a history of making substantial political contributions. And you could
  • assume that she is unaware of how bad this all looks in the light of a background of pay to play allegations that haunt the current administration. And you could
  • assume that despite the damage done by perpetuating the appearance of pay to play, and the appearance of impropriety, it is OK for her to continue to ignore the issues that have been raised.

But why in hell would you want to?

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