Friday, January 15, 2010

Survey results; job performance, Winston Brooks.

APS Superintendent
Winston Brooks' job performance
was the subject of a survey item
in the APS Community Survey.

The survey was done in
November 2009. It was
undertaken by Research and
Polling, Inc. link.

The purpose of the survey was
to gather data surrounding the
upcoming mill levy and school bond election in February.

The survey was done of 402 "likely voters". Likely voters
are voters who participated in recent elections. About 500
likely voters were approached by pollsters, about 20% declined
the opportunity to participate.

Brian Sanderoff, President of Research and Polling, presented
the survey results to the board this morning. According to
Sanderoff, the margin of error is 5%, with a confidence level of
95%. This means if the survey were done 100 times, the margin
of error would be 5% or less, 95% of the time.

Poll respondents were asked to evaluate Winston Brooks'
job performance, by giving him a letter grade from A to F, with
the following results;

A 8%
B 26%
C 25%
D 12%
F 22%
Again, these results come from likely voters, and may or may
not reflect the opinions of stakeholders in general.

The results are skewed by another factor as well; where voters
get their information about the APS and about Brooks.

A survey item addressed that issue; most get their information
from the Journal, local TV news and, friends, relatives, and

They get information least from; APS newsletters, the internet,
and local radio stations.

So how good is their information? Neither the Journal nor
the local TV stations offers impartial comprehensive coverage.

The Journal, for example, gives Brooks a full column every
month with no opportunity for rebuttal.

And their daily coverage is deliberately biased. For example;
they broke a story, link, about corruption in the APS Police
, and have steadfastly refused to tell readers the
truth about the aftermath of the scandal, including the fact that
three years later, evidence of felony criminal misconduct
involving senior APS administrators has still not been turned
over to the District Attorney's Office for prosecution.

Nor has the Journal reported on the ethics and accountability
scandal in the leadership of the APS; the fact that Brooks, the
senior most administrative role model of the APS Student
Standards of Conduct, refuses to be held honestly accountable
as a role model of those standards.

Nor that APS' Silent Whistle whistleblower protection
program is nothing more than a forwarding mailbox where
can simply close a complaint made against him,
rather than provide the complaint the due process it deserves.

The Journal will not report that hundreds of whistleblower
complaints (every single one of them) is being denied the due
process hearing before the Audit Committee required by
school board policy.

Nor has the Journal reported that Brooks' administration refuses
still, to offer a candid, forthright, and honest accounting of spending
at 6400 Uptown Blvd.

Nor that he refuses to point to a time, a day, and a place where
he or anyone in his stead, will sit still and answer legitimate
questions about the public interests in the APS.

Nor will the Journal report that he refuses to answer questions
about whether the auditors that found the Finance Division
without adequate standards, accountability, or record keeping,
also found any criminal misconduct.

Survey results on Winston Brooks' job performance are based
on carefully spun and unethically edited coverage of the APS
and of its superintendent.

The Albuquerque Journal, a newspaper of record, cannot be
relied upon for the information voters need in order to cast
informed ballots, or even to participate in a Community Survey
in advance of a bond issue and mill levy for over $600M.

photo Mark Bralley

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I give "Charlie Brown" Brooks a SUPER SUCKS grade on his review!