The leadership of the APS publish an on-line employee newsletter.
The newsletter begins;
"Remember that because of the employee-focused
content of the newsletter, we post all of the articles
on the APS intranet, which is behind the APS firewall.
This means you’ll need to either be at your desk at work
or signed on to the Virtual Private Network (VPN) to read
the articles.
We welcome additional comments as well as story ideas
as we work to improve the newsletter."
I would offer as but one way to improve the APS Employee Newsletter; pay at least cursory attention to the New Mexico Inspection of Public Records Act.
Without articulating any exception at all to the NM IPRA,
they have decided to secret it from the public.
The redaction is unethical. How can it possibly not be a
blatant violation of the law?
How do you feel about the leadership of the APS spending a few thousand of your tax dollars, unwittingly submitted in the belief that they would be spent educating our children, to litigate in favor of this particular redaction?
How do you feel about their refusal to submit to independent review?
How do you feel about their refusal to submit to honest accountability as role models of the student standards of conduct?
How do you feel about giving them $616M
with no strings attached?

School Board President, and
NM FOG Board of Directors Member
Marty Esquivel.
photo Mark Bralley
Please note the times on these Public Forums on the new Middle School Schedule. It is once again obvious they do not want to hear from teachers. For that matter parents either. Most of them are at work during these times.
January 6th from 8:30AM to 11:30AM in the Rio Hondo Conference Room
January 12th from 8:30AM to 11:30AM at Montgomery Complex in the Annex
January 18th from 8:30AM to 11:30AM in the Rio Hondo Conference Room
January 27th from 8:30AM to 11:30AM at the Montgomery Complex in the Annex
Time and time again, for years, APS has shown themselves to feel above the law.
And we, the people of NM have allowed it. Richardson allows it. Veronica Garcia allows it. Parents don't call them on their misdeeds because of fear of retaliation on their kids.
A lot of the media will turn the other way (except KRQE.... thank God for their integrity!). The NM legislature will bend to their demands. We put a "foreigner" like Winston Brooks in charge. We don't raise hell about a neo-nazi principal like Linda Torres being appointed at RGHS.
The courts allow it...they are willing to give the teacher that cocked/injured 2 kids ( the other Torres) a "break" by negotiating a smaller misdemeanor.
We let the APS admin keep their high paid tower admin and staff, but we're ok w/ them cutting teachers from the classroom in the name of budget cutting.
We allow "well-connected" people like Ruby Ethridge to become a high-paid sub-superintendent, but no one can say why she merits such a position.
We stand complacently on the sidelines while Winston Brooks talks about sharing librarians between Elementary and Middle schools... where kids need to develope the love of reading!
We let APS tell the fire marshalls and APS how to do (and not do) their jobs.
In the old days, the criminals of APS would have been literally run out of town for their disregard to kids safety, their arrogant waste of precious money on their own selfish gains, and their incometance would demand firing.
And let's not forget how Monica Armenta tried to get phone contracts owned by her mom to line her families pocket.
All these criminals still have their jobs. They sit up in their towers, on their thrones, and just get more cautious about who they let into their kingdom and meetings.
We deserve it, we allow it. the crooks rule, basically w/o any resistance from the Albuquerque communities.
We allow "well-connected" people like Ruby Ethridge to become a high-paid sub-superintendent, but no one can say why she merits such a position.
She is Linda Sink's "homie"
When Ruby Ethridge meets with people, her introduction of herself is all about how her parents are highly educated, lawyers, judges, something like that. In our meeting, we were really tuned out to hear her droll on and on about herself.
Ruby mispronounces words like "taco" and presents like she's an elder cheerleader on steroids... everything is so "great" and "happy" and "accomplished". She basically blows sunshine up your ass, and says nothing of substance in the process.
$125K a year to shove sunshine up our asses and to hear how well connected she and her family are.... are we getting gypped, or what?
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