Saturday, January 16, 2010

Could the leadership of the APS have prevented a rape?

The Journal reports this morning, link, that APS knew months
ago that they had a teacher who spent time in a closet with a
female student. Yet the student reports another "encounter"
as recently as January 2nd.

APS Director of Communications Rigo Chavez, offered
the usual;

"... he could not confirm the incident, because it is a
personnel matter."

"... would not say whether Matthews was disciplined."

"If there was anything that happened, it would have been
investigated, and the district would have taken
appropriate disciplinary action."

The "appropriate action" apparently had so little effect on the
teacher that he felt comfortable continuing the relationship
with the student.

I suspect that the leadership of the APS tried to sweep the
problem under the rug, and in so doing, failed to adequately
investigate and document the problem, which led to their
failure to protect a student from the criminal attention of a

The leadership of the APS in unwilling to be candid, forthright,
and honest about anything that makes them look bad. Because
problems cannot be fixed except by first admitting that they
exist, APS has failed stakeholders again.

The above is my surmise, based on a quarter of a century of
dealings with the leadership of the APS and their steadfast
refusal to be held honestly accountable for their conduct and

The surmise is validated by the fact that despite becoming
aware of felony criminal misconduct involving senior APS
administrators nearly three years ago, link, they are still
hiding the evidence from the District Attorney.

The Journal is complicit in that failure, by virtue of the fact
that the steadfastly refuse to follow up on their own story.


Anonymous said...

In the case of the earlier Sanchez-Trujillo rape, JCMS admin had been told at least 3 times in the 3 weeks before she confessed, that she was inappropriately stimulating male sexual interest in the after school hip hop program. To our knowledge, the principle never addressed these complaints to Sanchez-Trujillo because the behavior continued many times thereafter, leading up to the rape.

Anonymous said...

Your children are not safe at APS. The administrators at the school level are so busy doing their kiss-ass get a promotion shuffle that they could care less about protecting or educating your kids. I am a teacher and I witnessed Associate Superintendent Linda Sink undermine an investigation regarding a coach and special ed. instructor was fraternizing with a player on his team. She had recently been told she would be promoted and wanted the whole incident to be pushed under the proverbial APS carpet. She told the investigators that the teacher was the student's relative and their open displays of affection and wrestling were platonic. This sixteen year old ended up pregnant and Sink got her promotion. This lack of care and ethical stewardship for the safety of our children is appalling and it goes on in every school--every day!