I find myself on occasion, in back and forth exchanges in the
comments sections of other blogs.
Some of the most frustrating exchanges occur on the backside
of Democracy for New Mexico, host site for some of the most
intransigent bigotry found anywhere in the blogosphere.
Rarely is there a philosophical discussion or disagreement;
mostly they just really hate "Republicans", no matter what else.
One backsider, who will identify himself only as "Luther", was
recently exercising his need to berate Republicans by attacking
the record of Rep Janice Arnold-Jones. He asked;
What the heck has Arnold Jones ever achieved exceptIt got me thinking about the (2nd) day she "dragged her
dragging that camera in there?
camera in there". She had already defied the good ol' boys
by webcasting a committee meeting. This was the next day.
We were in a meeting of the House Rules Committee.
They were there to deal with their response to the assault on
their traditions and the "threat" of webcasting.

As she was leaving the room
to go to a committee meeting
where she was again going to
set up her webcasting,
a TV reporter asked her,
"what are you going to do
if they tell you again,
to put your camera away?"
Rep Janice Arnold-Jones said
something to the effect that,
she wasn't sure what she was going to do.
The uncertainty was not over her plan to continue to web cast
for her constituents. I felt the uncertainty centered around her
concern that her courage might fail her in the confrontation she
was headed toward.
Her courage did not fail her, and the rest as they say, is history.
I have always believed that courage is not reflected in a lack of
fear, it is manifest in doing what needs to be done, in spite of
the fear.
You would be hard pressed to point to an instance of political
courage that surpasses this.
"Luther" will never understand the remarkable courage it took
to be the first through the breach in the wall of shady backroom
dealing in Santa Fe.
Worse, even if he did finally grasp it, he would never admit it.
After all, she is a "Republican".
If Medal of Honor winner, Audie Murphy, link, were a
"Republican", I am certain that Luther would be asking,
What did Murphy ever do except "dragging" his rifle
across Europe?
photo Mark Bralley
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