Thursday, January 21, 2010

Secrecy surrounding US Attorney Candidates.

US Attorney candidates are picked by a state's US Senators.
A final selection is made by the White House.

Senators Bingaman and Udall, according to blogger Monahan,
, are refusing to identify the candidates on their short list.
The claim "privacy" issues. Monahan claims;

"... the release of the names of the US attorney
candidates is about the public's right to know, not just
of a possibly pre-selected final choice, but of all those
who were interviewed and to have a chance to weigh in
on the matter if they so desire.
The position of those with power and privilege is that the truth
belongs to them until you can prove, in court, your right to know

When in reality; the truth belongs to the people, unless those
who want to keep it secret can prove, in court, their right to
withhold it.

What more proof could you possibly need that you have lost
control over your power and resources, than that the spending
of them is secret from you?

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