The right to petition one's government for redress of grievances is a constitutionally protected human right. At the time it was included in the first amendment to the constitution, there were people who were willing to die in defense of that right.
You have a grievance; a complaint against an unjust or unfair act; that control over your power and resources has been usurped. You have lost control over power and resources that belong fundamentally to you.
The proof that you have lost control over your power and resources is self-evident; you don't know the truth about how they are being spent.
There exists, redress for your grievance. You can set right what is wrong; you can restore the balance.
You can petition your government to hold itself individually and collectively, transparently accountable to the people.Because of those who were willing to shed their blood in defense of the human right to petition one's government, you don't have to being willing to shed your blood to exercise that right. You only have to be willing to click on a link, and ask Governor Susana Martinez to put on the table for candid, forthright and honest public discussion;
independent audits of administrative standards and accountability,
not just in the APS, but in state government as well.
photo Mark Bralley
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