Sunday, March 20, 2011

Is Martinez isolated?

Grumblings abound about the
impossibility of getting face time
with Gov. Susana Martinez.
There are rumors of internal friction
regarding her inaccessibility.

My allegigators allege that only
one has access to the Governor;
Jay McClesky, link.

They wonder about his Rasputinesque
wikilink influence over the neophyte
Governor, keeping her from "knowing what she doesn't know".

They worry that Jay "the Mad Monk" McClesky is calling the shots in the Governor's Office and that he is more concerned with maintaining power than in serving New Mexicans.

photo Mark Bralley

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So far she has been a disappointment, as she does not seem efficient in solving issues.
She's wasting our time on banning Licenses for Illegals, which doesn't affect normal NM citizens...but it also doesn't generally ruffle voters feathers because those people can't vote.
So far she seems like a lot of hot air and no real clout.