APS' Executive Director of Communications Monica Armenta,
a public servant earning north of $107K a year to "communicate" for the district, was asked four questions;
- Why are more than 300 whistle blower complaints being denied the final hearing guaranteed them by school board policy?
- Why are administrators and board members not accountable as role models of the APS Student Standards of Conduct?
- Why are operational funds (classroom dollars) being spent to hide an ethically redacted version of the Caswell Report (on an investigation of felony criminal misconduct by APS senior administrators)?
- Why will the administration not allow an independent administrative accountability audit to be conducted? an audit similar to the recent audits of the M&O Division, the Finance Division, the APS Police Department, and the Fleet Maintenance Division, all of which revealed an abject lack of standards, accountability, and record keeping?
according to her obligations as one of the senior-most
administrative role models of the APS Student Standards of
Conduct, which require students to respond to any legitimate
question, candidly, forthrightly and honestly.
She did not of course. She did respond, but not candidly, forthrightly and honestly.
So I filed a complaint with her boss, APS Supt Winston Brooks.
Apparently, he is ignoring my complaint. He feels justified
to label any complaint I make, a "nuisance complaint" allowing
him to close the complaint without giving it due process of any kind.
It is exactly what I expected him to do.

Why did I complain to Brooks about Armenta's incompetence and/or corruption, knowing full well that Brooks lacks the character and the courage to give it due process? To prove my point.
In truth, I have proven two points, the other; Brooks' own cowardice and corruption prevent him from responding candidly, forthrightly and honestly to those four questions, either.
It would be interesting to see what would happen if the establishment media asked the same questions. Not that they ever will, of course. Too cowardly or corrupt to ask the questions and report upon the responses;
- Kent Walz and the Journal,
- Sue Stephens and KOAT TV,
- Iain Munro and KRQE TV, and
- Julie Szulczewski and KOB TV.
photo Mark Bralley
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