Thursday, March 03, 2011

APS Chief PIO, non-feasance or mal-feasance?

APS' Executive Director of Communications Monica Armenta has a job to do; well, two jobs actually. One is honest and above board; to "communicate" about the Albuquerque Public Schools to the people she works for (taxpayers and other interest holders) and the other is more sinister; to cover the asses of the people she works under.

When she does the latter at the expense of the former, she is guilty at the very least, of non-feasance. Since the aim is to cover up criminal misconduct by APS senior administrators and the complacence of the school board, I would argue she is guilty of mal-feasance.

She has had multiple opportunities to "communicate" the truth about legitimate issues and steadfastly refuses to do her "real" job. Case on point, her failure to communicate candidly, forthrightly and honestly in response to questions about;

  1. the leadership-wide abandonment of role modeling obligations,
  2. the denial of due process to hundreds of whistle blower complaints,
  3. the cover up of felony criminal misconduct in the APS Police Department, and
  4. the effort to hinder a district wide administrative accountability audit.
It is Armenta's ongoing effort to avoid communicating candidly, forthrightly and honestly on these important issues. It is her ongoing effort to avoid communicating on an issue that reveals the incompetence and corruption in the leadership of the APS except through mis-communication and outright deception.

Armenta makes almost $107K a year,
the equivalent of nearly three teachers salaries.

photo Mark Bralley

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