Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Robert Lucero "Someone we can count on."

So reads Robert Lucero's re-election flyer.

The post office's failure to deliver the flyer before the
election has now earned Mr. Lucero what he loves most;
three articles about Robert Lucero in two days of coverage
in the Journal; link and link and link and sub req.

Robert Lucero;

"someone we can count on."
Count on for what, exactly?

When a motion was put before the board several years ago,
a motion that if passed, would have required the creation of
a policy requiring APS administrators and board members
to "tell the truth", Robert Lucero tabled the motion.

He claimed at the time, that he wanted to do research in
other school districts; to see how other school systems were
handling the issue of responding to legitimate questions with
candid, forthright and honest answers.

He, after these several years, has still not completed his
research. The motion is still tabled.

So can we count on Robert Lucero to tell the truth?

We cannot.

Robert Lucero steadfastly refuses to explain, defend, or
even acknowledge his decision to remove language from
his own code of conduct which read;
in no case shall the standard of conduct for adults be
lower than the standard of conduct for students.
Can we count on Robert Lucero to stand up as a role model
for students?

We cannot.

When the public corruption and criminal conspiracy in the
leadership of the APS (police department) first became
public knowledge, Robert Lucero made his way onto TV news
to proclaim that his buddy Gil Lovato, was the victim of
groundless claims by a disgruntled former employee;
a claim we now know to be itself, groundless and untrue.

Can we count on Robert Lucero to stand aside when one of
his cronies is under investigation for even criminal

We cannot.

Robert Lucero will not explain,defend or even acknowledge
his opposition to a full scale forensic audit of the entire
leadership of the APS.

Can we count on Robert Lucero to protect the public
interests in the public schools from public corruption and

We cannot.

Can we count on Robert Lucero to show up at a town hall
meeting and to provide candid, forthright and honest
responses to legitimate questions?

We cannot.

All of which begs the question; for what exactly can we
count on Robert Lucero?

Apparently nothing; except running full speed in the
direction of a news camera or reporter, for more news
coverage of Robert Lucero; and if he is really lucky,
his picture in the news.

my pleasure.
Photo by Mark Bralley

cc Robert Lucero upon posting

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