Tuesday, July 08, 2008

No money for raises for Educational Assistants

Negotiations will begin soon, between the APS and groups of

One group in particular has been in the news; the EAs.

They are looking for what looks like a much deserved one
dollar per hour raise.

They will be told by Bob Woody, APS' Director of Human,and Director of Labor Relations that there will be no dollar raise.

He will tell them that there is no money for their raise.

Which simply isn't true.

APS started with a billion dollars; more than enough for
decent raises for the EAs.

The truth is that there is no money left for their raise.

Bob Woody will come to his conclusion in his office,
a walnut paneled office; and not Lowe's or Home Depot
paneling. Not the kind of paneling EAs or Teachers can afford;
but rather, much more expensive custom paneling with
ornate molding to dress it all up.

This is not about Bob Woody.

In my only interaction with Mr. Woody; he could not have
been more professional, more courteous, or more helpful.
He may in fact, be one of the best faces of the
administration of the APS.

It is about funding priorities.

It is about the fact that while students are sitting under
leaky roofs, and money is being saved by eliminating fire
safety inspections, the leadership of the APS is able to
find money for sprucing up senior administrative offices.

It is about priorities.

And in a different school district,
EAs would be getting well deserved raises, and
the Director of Human Resources and Labor Relations,
would have to deal with the fact that there is no money left
for fancy wood paneling for his office.

There never has been a more important funding priority
than renovating 6400 Uptown Blvd. They have never
stopped adding on.

They have spent so much money there, that they will not
tell taxpayers, how much money they have spent there.

Not even is response to a request for public records under
the New Mexico Inspection of Public Records Act.

cc Bob Woody upon posting

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