Thursday, July 24, 2008

APS Board Meeting Minutes

If you cannot attend a board meeting, there are two methods by which you can inform yourself about the meeting.

The best would be by the broadcast of the meeting,
to the community, on a local TV station.
The record of those broadcasts is abysmal.
It is fair to say that anyone who depends on the TalNet
broadcast of board meetings will remain uninformed.

The second method is to read board minutes.

Board minutes could easily be in the form of the video and audio tapes of the meeting. They are after all, an incontrovertible record of the truth.

Instead, the leadership of the APS has decided that the minutes will be created in the form of anecdotal notes; someone writes down their considerably condensed version of what they think happened.

As an example;

I stood before the school board and challenged them on their failure to stand up as role models before students. They have excepted themselves from accountability as role models of the student standard of conduct, and I demanded that they explain, deny, defend, or even acknowledge their deliberate decision to abdicate as role models of the student standard of conduct.

The issue was reported in the minutes thusly;

Public Forum –
  • Several people came up to speak on the following:
  • educational assistance wage increase;
  • special education/inclusion classes at Atrisco E. S.;
  • being able to speak to particular board agenda items;
  • Character Counts pillars of character;
  • Corrales Charter School’s new location.
  • Several legislators were also present and spoke in support of a raise for the educational assistants.
A stakeholder with a right no know that the leadership of the APS has no meaningful standards of conduct and competence, and are completely unaccountable to such standards as there are, will read;
Character Counts pillars of character;

One of the repeatedly expressed goals of the leadership of
the APS is to "improve communication";

Zsombor Peter, who witnessed the public forum,
did not report upon it at all.

So much for his obligation to inform the electorate.

If you want to know the truth,
you will have to go to the board meetings in person.

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