Thursday, July 24, 2008

Hector Balderas as Lieutenant Governor?

According to blogger Joe Monahan; link
State Auditor Hector Balderas is being considered for
election as the next Lieutenant Governor.

I say; if he has not revealed substantial progress in a
forensic accountability audit of the leadership of the APS,

by the time we have to cast our votes,

we should all vote for someone else;

anyone else.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hector Balderas is doing a VERY OUTSTANDING JOB and has really turned things around for the most part...unfortunately there will always be complainers who overlook the good things and major improvements that have been done verses the few things that may still be getting there...Keep up the good work Balderas and you totally have ALL of our support...AND THATS ALOT OF US!!!!!!!