Wednesday, July 02, 2008

KOB TV decides that there will be no public outrage

Beyond any reasonable doubt;

If the management of KOB TV did not already know that
the leadership of the APS has

  • abdicated their obligations as role models, and that
  • they are not accountable to any meaningful standards of conduct or competence, and that
  • they refuse to entertain legitimate questions on these or on any other legitimate issue
they found out about them Sunday last. link

It also stands to reason;

the issues are newsworthy by any reasonable definition
of that concept, and that

stakeholders would want to know the truth, and therefore,

KOB TV had an obligation to something, other than nothing.

This story didn't require any elaborate investigation;
it required only a phone call to their Monica Armenta.

She would respond with one of three answers;
  1. true,
  2. not true,
  3. no comment.

Any one of which is a newsworthy response.

Two of the three, if reported upon by KOB TV,
would have resulted in a least a few more outraged citizens
asking questions tonight,
at their "we don't take questions" public forum.

KOB TV made a deliberate decision
to keep the issue from stakeholders.

And every time I point out that it looks like a duck,
and it walks like a duck,
and it quacks like a duck/conspiracy;

I am branded a "conspiracy nut".

If this is not a conspiracy to hide the truth from stakeholders, what is it.

... a coincidence?

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