Friday, July 04, 2008

"The Law" is the lowest standard of conduct

When people gather into communities, they find it necessary
to write down a list of rules; to draw a line between
the conduct that they will tolerate in the interests
of freedom and liberty, and

the conduct that they cannot tolerate in the interests of
community well being.

There is a constant pressure to push the line lower and
lower. The pressure is applied by those who wish to escape
accountability even to the lowest standard of conduct.

The effort to push the standard even lower than it
already is, is enabled by
Juris Mustelidae, (legal weaselry);

the skillful use of legal loopholes and technicalities
to except the privileged class from accountability
even to the lowest acceptable standard of conduct.
One does not have to be much of a student of human history
or of current events to come to the realization that the law
is not a high enough standard of conduct to protect us from
a corrupt state treasurer, a senator who stole millions from
a courthouse construction, or from a governor who rewards
his political cronies with cushy jobs at state universities.

It is obvious that because public servants are given control
over enormous amounts of power and resources, that they
must be held honestly accountable to a higher standard of
conduct than the law.

And the public servants who are entrusted with the most
precious resource of all, our children; should be held honestly
accountable to the highest standard of all.

The leadership of the APS should be held honestly
accountable to the highest standards of conduct and competence.

Yet the leadership of the APS cannot show stakeholders a
record of accountability even to the law.

They are in fact, damned by their record.

That is why their record is not available for public scrutiny.
It is not available, even under requests for public records
under the law.

The leadership of the APS pays the lawyers of the
law firm to litigate for them, exception even to the law.

They have spent so much of the public trust and treasure
litigating exception to the law, that they will not provide,
even under a request for public records, a candid, forthright
and honest accounting of the money funneled to
Paula Maes'
husband's law firm;
Modrall, Sperling, Roehl, Harris & Sisk.

The truth is being hidden.

There is only one reason to hide the truth.

This isn't just about role modeling; it
is about;
honest accountability to meaningful standards of
conduct and competence for public servants,
under an impartial system
powerful enough to hold them accountable
even against their will.
And that system simply must be put in place;

.. even against their will.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent point...good people don't have to worry about sticking to the letter of the law, because their nature is to follow the law, and supercede it in thier morality and good living.
The old phrase "Locks aren't for keeping honest people out" comes to mind.
APS doesn't even follow the law, nor the spirit, nor the intent in many cases. Sometimes they act like they are above the law.