Monday, July 14, 2008

APS Senior Administrator Missing!

In the entire APS there is not even one senior administrator
whose job responsibility it is to address the problem of
student discipline;

the single largest problem facing teachers in their efforts to
educate children.

No where is there even a written Discipline Philosophy;

a compilation of agreed upon principles that address
the behavior of children, and the District's response
to that (mis)behavior;
the only foundation upon which sound policies can be
written and enforced.
No where is there a single administrator who can be held
accountable for the District's abject failure to address such
an important issue in any meaningful manner.

No where is there any leadership of any kind in addressing
the most direct solution there is to; reducing class room
disruption, and bullying, and vandalism, and truancy,
and drop out rates, and ...

No single success in the APS that will raise test scores
higher, or improve student achievement more,
or narrow achievement gaps, or increase attendance,
or increase graduation rates.

Do you have any idea, how many kids don't go to school
everyday because of the bullying alone?

And when these poor kids fall behind academically, as they
inevitably will; they will become trouble makers themselves,
and/or eventually drop out.

I cannot think of a legitimate agenda in education that does
not move forward on the day that students start behaving
themselves in classrooms, and at school;

whether they want to or not.

Where is an administrator when you really need one?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They are afraid of litigation, influential parent intimidation and student retaliation against their property such as cars and homes.
Still, that's no excuse, they knew that addressing discipline was part of their job when signing on.