Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Mesa Del Sol tells APS; thanks, but no thanks.

Mesa Del Sol, a new subdivision south of the airport,
is within the city limits.

Normally, it would be the responsibility of the APS to provide
for the education of children who live there.

The folks who run the Mesa Del Sol development have
informed the APS that they would rather take that
responsibility upon themselves. KOB TV link.

Can you blame them?

By any reasonable measure, the leadership of the APS
has failed miserably in spending a billion tax dollars a year,
efficiently and effectively for education.

Every measure reveals that APS students are not meeting
high standards and are not being prepared for life after school.

It will never improve, because the good ol' boys that run
the APS will never hold themselves accountable for their
failure - no heads will roll, ever.

And so Mesa Del Sol says; thanks, but no thanks.

APS' reaction is;

"... it sets a bad precedent of wealthier neighborhoods
looking out for themselves."
In fact, the precedent that is being set is that, neighborhoods
all over the district, rich and poor, are looking out for
themselves, when they reject APS' bumbling efforts to
educate a hundred thousand of our sons and daughters.

Every charter school in Albuquerque represents a
community "looking out for themselves".

And why shouldn't they; they owe as much to their children.

The fact that the parents in Mesa Del Sol are "rich"
is a red herring.

APS is at its usual, trying to win an argument by attacking
their opponent rather than their argument.
They are playing on the prejudice against the "rich".

I suspect that Mesa Del Sol would seek the same solution
even if they were a poor neighborhood.

They wouldn't be the first group of "poor" Albuquerqueans
who are so fed up with the APS that they built schools
of their own.

It is the same reason that thousands of APS parents
"home school" their children.

And why shouldn't they?

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