Tuesday, March 13, 2007

the journal, the trib, the audit


a “proper” audit will effectively eliminate corruption, incompetence, and the practices that enable them in the leadership of the aps. a proper audit will provoke honest accountability to a meaningful standard of conduct for aps leadership. a proper audit will immediately advance all legitimate educational interests, agendas, objectives, and goals.
so far, the premise is unchallenged; by aps, by the journal, or by the trib.

and yet, the reality flies in the face of the premise.

the reality is that the folks who are supposed to be promoting accountability in the aps, are in fact opposing it.

in his failure to stand in support of an aps audit; martin chavez stands in opposition to administrative accountability audits for public servants.
the mayor wants the office of the mayor to have increased influence over public schools. by way of justification, he cites a current, critical lack of accountability by the leadership of the aps. in order to support the justification, the leadership of the aps must continue to remain unaccountable. that interest is served by his refusal to stand on the record demanding an immediate administrative audit of the aps. as is the interest in not drawing any attention to the possibility of an administrative audit of city government; an audit every bit as justified and for exactly the same reasons.

in her failure to stand in support of an aps audit, teri cole and the chamber of commerce stand in opposition to administrative accountability audits for public servants.
she contradicts her previous position, in support of the mayor, that aps accountability problems required attention and resolve.

it is unclear what the business community gains by enabling corruption and incompetence in public service; but that is most certainly the end served by her refusal to stand on the record on the issue of audit and public service.
in its failure to stand in support of an aps audit; the journal stands in opposition to administrative accountability audits for public servants.
the journal stands in support of the mayor, his takeover of public schools, his justification for the takeover, the need for chaos to justify the justification; and the consequent need to obfuscate “curative” audits.

the trib is at least writing about the audit. and since publicity amounts to support; it would be unfair to say that the trib does not support the audit.

it is fair to point out that their support of the audit uses expressions like; may signal, appeared to be willing, might give, might result in, could be… it is the same position the trib takes with respect to ethics reform in the legislature.

what ever courage it requires for them to at least mention the need for ethics reform in public service, the trib still has not managed to summon the courage to use expressions that reflect the fundamental nature of “public inservitude”; such as;

the public has an absolute right to demand an audit of their interests in the public schools. public servants have an obligation to commission it.

the public has an absolute right to insist that; within their public service, public servants are honestly accountable to a meaningful standard of conduct. public servants have an obligation to provide for that accountability.

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