Thursday, March 29, 2007

aps probe reveals corruption and/or imcompetence

the (lack of) results in the investigation of public corruption and incompetence in the administration of the aps police department; proves that those who are responsible for conducting that investigation are themselves corrupt or incompetent.

I assume the responsibility falls upon beth everitt; I will bow to controverting fact.

beth everitt has not completed her investigation of gil lovato and the aps police department administration.

if she will not complete the investigation; she is corrupt. the public has a right to know the truth about their interests in the public schools.

if she can not complete the investigation; she is incompetent (in the absence of mitigating circumstance). in which case, there are only two possibilities; the circumstances which prevent her from completing the investigation are beyond her control; or they are not.

if there are mitigating circumstances beyond her control; they are proved only by evidence or sworn testimony. the claim that "the delay is related to the completion of an outside investigation" is not equivalent to offering any evidence that, that is the truly the case.

by definition; if the circumstances that prevent the completion of the investigation are not beyond her control, if she is allowing circumstances to prevent closure, she is corrupt.

additional proof will surface when the investigation of the corruption is completed.

if the results do not include the release of all public records related to public corruption in the administration of the aps; that suppression of the truth (regarding public interests in the public schools) is corrupt.

for so long as everitt maintains that the investigation is ongoing; the lawyers of modrall can argue that they enjoy an exception to the nm inspection of public records act.

the board has an oversight responsibility as representatives of the public and their interests.

so far, there is no evidence that the board is concerned.

the aps police force is a publicly funded private police force that is entirely at the disposal of the leadership of the aps. they are neither certified nor accredited by any outside organization. they report directly to everitt, and by extension, to the school board and paula maes/modrall.

it is in every sense a praetorian guard.

that the aps has "a culture of fear of retribution and retaliation" is due, in no small part, to gil lovato and his security police.

beth everitt is not the only person in the leadership of the aps who has an interest in hiding the results of a honest and impartial investigation of public corruption in the administration of the aps police department.

beth everitt is not the only person in the leadership of the aps who has an interest in stonewalling an administrative accountability audit of the entire administration of public interests and resources in the albuquerque public schools.

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