Wednesday, December 16, 2015

I call your attention to Journal coverage of the settlement

The Journal weighed in this morning, link, with it's version of the squandering of $833,000.  I posted a number of comments.

Journal coverage was certainly fairer than KRQE's, but they're still printing Marty Esquivel's allegations with making it absolutely clear to readers, that he is really is unable produce any evidence to prove them.

Did they ask Esquivel to product his most damning evidence.  Has anyone at the Journal actually watched the videotapes?  Apparently not.

Esquivel does have on his side, and apparently believes he could have won with, conflicted testimony from the likes of Winston Brooks, Steve Tellez, Monica Armenta, and NM Secretary of State Brad Winter.

APS is still hiding the truth about Winston Brooks.  Steve Tellez has left in disgrace, and Monica Armenta's testimony is tainted by her record of slander and libel.

SOS Brad Winter's previos perjury is in the record, link.

Can a perjurer serve as Secretary of State?

They can in New Mexico.  And especially with the aid and abet Kent Walz and the Journal.

photo Mark Bralley

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