Kent Walz has either not received my email, or chose to
not respond.
When the question is; will you tell me the truth?
any answer except yes, means no.
my question and email to him;
Sir,He is yet to respond; I have no idea why; I have my suspicions.
I am wondering if you will offer any explanation for the fact that the leadership of the APS has completely abandoned any concerted effort to offer character education to APS students, and that the Journal has not investigated or reported upon that situation.
grateful for your time and attention
When the question is will you tell the truth;
any answer except yes, means no.

is not willing to offer any candid,
forthright and honest explanation for his ongoing failure to investigate and report upon the ethics and accountability scandal in the leadership of the APS.
I will offer one; he doesn't want to be exposed as the person who nominated Winston Brooks for his Champion of Transparency Award.
Right after he exposes his "champion" as an utter fraud.
The biggest obstacle for the Journal to overcome in investigating and reporting upon the ethics and accountability scandal in the leadership of the APS, is their own credibility. Before Walz can investigate and report credibly upon on the current scandal, he must report credibly on his failure to report credibly on the scandal in the 16 years heretofore.
The leadership of the APS has been hiding from their obligations role models of the Pillars of Character Counts!; ever since they were unanimously adopted by the board, as the Student Standards of Conduct, in 1994.
Walz reported to stakeholders when the Board adopted the Pillars of Character Counts! as the student standard of conduct, and consequently, as their own.
He did not report it when they abdicated as role models when they removed from their own code of conduct, the words;
"In no case, shall the standards of conduct for an adult,He will not now report that his buddies Marty Esquivel and Winston Brooks are hiding public records and evidence of felony criminal misconduct involving senior APS administrators.
be lower than the standards of conduct for students."
He will not now report that his buddies Marty Esquivel and Winston Brooks are denying due process to every single one of more than 200 whistle blower complaints.
He will not now report that his buddies Marty Esquivel and Winston Brooks, the senior most role models of the student standards of conduct, have renounced their own accountability to the same standards of conduct that they establish and enforce upon students, even for the measly few hours a day that they hold students accountable.
Most of all, Journal Editor Kent Walz is not going to report to you, why he is not going to report to you.
His position is indefensible.
The only defense for an indefensible position is, to hide it.
He is hiding his answer to a legitimate question;
Will you tell us the truth about the (alleged) ethics and accountability scandal in the leadership of the APS?
Any answer except yes, means no.
He means, no.
He will not tell the truth, even through the next school board election; just as he did in the ones before.
"Never pick a fight with a man who buys his ink and his silence,
by the barrel." - Twain I believe
frame grab Mark Bralley
1 comment:,
Thank you for your ad hominem attacks and the vindication they imply.
I am encouraged that you can cite no error; neither in my facts nor my logic.
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