State workers are represented by the AFSCME;
"The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) link; the second- or third-largest labor union in the United States."But not well.
A few days ago, state workers were going to get the opportunity to blow the whistle on all of the inefficiencies and ineffectiveness in state government. A few days ago, state workers had the opportunity to fight back against the developing insensitivity for the plight of "state" employees.

... an anonymous survey where whistle blowers could expose all the corruption and incompetence in my administration, unafraid of retribution and retaliation?
on my watch?
aha ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ... link.
And Denish gave her tacit approval.
And Martinez gave her tacit approval.
And the members of the Governmental Restructuring Task Force gave their tacit approval; but were noticeably upset,
well one of them maybe, Rep Patricia Lundstrom, link,
has expressed some "disappointment", link.
And the union who is supposed to be protecting state workers
from retribution and retaliation for whistle blowing gave its tacit approval.
And all the state workers who are paying union dues
in exchange for protection from this kind of stuff,
gave a collective sign and wondered, w t f ? ??
I assume.
photo Mark Bralley
1 comment:
The New Mexico Coalition for Charter Schools has named Michael Vigil as its new chief executive officer, following the departure of longtime CEO Lisa Grover.
Yes, the same Michael Vigil who called for Gil Lovato when stopped for a DWI a while back!
In 9-30 edition of the Journal
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