Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Winston Brooks in the Journal

Apparently, Winston Brooks will be given a full column in the
Journal once a month. The first installment showed up this
morning. link sub req

I really can't take issue with anything that he wrote; except
that it is all dishonest. It is dishonest because he will not
take questions on any of it.

Winston Brooks will not sit down at a public meeting and
promise to respond to legitimate questions with candid,
forthright and honest answers.

It is not just my questions about; spending, standards,
accountability, and administrative role modeling that he will
not answer.

He will not answer any question whose answer will reveal
an inconvenient truth. He will not communicate in the
honest sense of the word. He may listen to input, he may
disseminate information, but he will never just sit down and
agree to answer any legitimate question candidly, honestly
and forthrightly. He is not honest.

So what difference does it make, what he promises us in
his monthly column? If he isn't honest, he forfeits the right
to to expect to be believed, even when he is telling the truth.

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