Wednesday, August 13, 2008

APS code of conduct for fans at sporting events

APS board member Marty Esquivel was upset by the behavior
of some parents at a student athletic event.

As a result he would like to pass a code of conduct for fans.

I listened to callers on the Jim Villanucci show, albeit not
a statistically average sampling of stakeholders, and I have
read comments on at least two forums dedicated to the subject
also not a statistically useful sampling.

It appears that Esquivel will pass his plan only over some
serious objections. Or more likely, he will pass the plan
without even considering those serious objections.

For the record, I fall on the side of those who think that
something must be done to curtail the activities of abusive
parents and fans. I think that we can have quality athletic
competition without being disrespectful and rude to
children or to referees.

Others disagree, vehemently. They think that this behavior
is all part of the game, and "toughens kids up, in preparation
for life".

It would be nice if the final decision reflected the meaningful
participation of stakeholders. I suspect that it will be just
another dictum laid down from on high.

The most disturbing part of the whole thing from my
perspective, is that the kind of behavior that Esquivel is
trying to curtail, is already prohibited by an existing policy;
the student standard of conduct; the Pillars of Character

The prohibition is passed on to parents and spectators
by simply insisting that they be role models of the
student standard, while they are attending school sponsored

Esquivel is understandably reticent to mention anything
about the student standard of conduct, because he and
the board have excepted themselves from accountability
to the standard; they have abdicated as the senior most
role models of the student standard of conduct.*

*They did this by eliminating from their own code of conduct
the phrase;

in no case shall the standard of conduct for adults
be lower than the standard of conduct for students.
Frankly, Esquivel and the rest of the leadership of the APS
are just a bunch of hypocrites, and they have no more
hope of enforcing this policy, than they have for enforcing
any other policy.

Worth noting; students are in charge in schools.
It is their will (regarding the following of rules) that is
being done. There is not a campus in the entire APS
where you cannot witness the permission of prohibited
behavior; students breaking rules without consequence.

Esquivel and the leadership will make themselves look good
for the news; and that's about it.

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