Friday, August 22, 2008

Beth Everitt actually promised an audit

When Beth Everitt was busy soft pedaling her "retirement",
at a news conference, she promised that she would cooperate
with any audit of the APS. link

"Everitt asked the board to seek an external audit of the APS administration's structure."

In fact, no audit of the leadership of the APS was ever done;

Nor will one be done; ever.

Because the leadership of the APS cannot survive an honest audit.

They cannot even survive a public discussion of such an audit.

Superintendent Beth Everitt could not.

Deputy Superintendent Tom Savage could not.

APS COO Brad Winter cannot.

APS CFO Gina Hartman cannot.

APS Director of Internal Audits Michael Kimbrell cannot.

No board member can.

But most of all, Paula Maes and her Modrall law firm cannot.

That is why Paula Maes looked us all in the eye, and said
I will never allow any audit that names names.

The biggest why right now is;
why are the media not saying even one word about any of this?

Does the President of the New Mexico Broadcasters Association
Paula Maes, have so much sway over the media, that
they will betray the public trust just to cover her ass?

Or is there another reason, that no one in the media is proud
enough of, to lay on the table for our inspection?

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