Saturday, August 09, 2008

Winston Brooks can spin with the best of them.

I would encourage stakeholders to watch the broadcast of
the latest board meeting at 5 pm today on TalNet,
channel 96.

You will see Winston Brooks spinning the results of NCLB

The test is balance.

It would be as wrong to point only to the failures that the
NCLB testing revealed, as it would be to point only to the

I would say that Winston Brooks failed to maintain that
balance, that he "spun" the truth. You can judge for

The telling evidence, is that while Winston Brooks says;
"We will make no excuses." for the NCLB shortfalls,

he also offers no explanation for them.

By offering "no excuses" he also offers no opportunity for
stakeholders to understand what policies and personnel
are responsible for the failure.

If the failure is not the result of failed policies and personnel,
then how can new policies and new personnel rectify the failure?

There is a disconnect.

Winston Brooks is not being candid, forthright and honest
about NCLB failures.

In light of that that lack of candor, forthrightness and
honesty; how can we believe anything he says, ever?

"Trust that man in nothing,
who lacks conscience in anything."


Anonymous said...

He is also supposed to be on "The Line" on channe 5 August 15th. Should be fun!

Anonymous said...

"The Line" on ch. 5???
Do you know what time? I can't seem to find it.

ched macquigg said...

Apparently, "The Line" and "New Mexico in Focus" are the same thing;
7 pm Friday.

If you expect that Gene Grant will ask any hard hitting questions; like

Why is he, Winston Brooks, no longer accountable as a role model of the student standard of conduct?

you will be disappointed.