Friday, August 22, 2008

In a Special APS Board Meeting this morning.

A plan will be hatched to install Modrall good ol' boy Jon Barela
onto the school board.

It will give APS/Modrall's good ol' boy a running start in the
upcoming "election". He will enjoy an over whelming
incumbent advantage in the election. An advantage that he
will have done nothing to earn, except that he is one of the boys.

Like the process that saw Winston Brooks installed as
superintendent, the process will look like there are many
opportunities for "the public" to guide the process.

Like the process that saw Winston Brooks installed; the
process will end with the Board making the final decision.

In any process that ends with a board decision as the final step,
none of the proceeding steps amount to a hill of beans.

For all of the ballyhoo about public involvement in the
Winston Brooks hiring process, Winston Brooks never
found himself in a position where he actually had to answer
a direct question from the public. He is still not in that position.

Winston Brooks never had to answer a single legitimate
question about;

  • administrative role modeling
  • administrative standards of conduct and competence,
  • administrative accountability to any standards at all, and
  • an immediate impartial administrative accountability audit.

He never did, and he never will.

Not one of the "leadership" of the APS will answer even one
inconvenient question about the public interests, or about
their public service.

And, neither will Modrall good ol' boy Jon Barela.

And "the public" will never know what hit them.

Nobody ever said they weren't good at what they do.

But then, how good do they have to be,
for as long as the public are asleep at the wheel?

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